December 27, 2007

Invasion of the Canadians

"Which one is Canadian?" Neither pay taxes

I have really enjoyed the latest addition to the family. R has added a whole new dimension to the family. Not only his Canadian idiom, but his quick wit and humor. I am not sure how to describe his Canadian ways. Life in Canada is so much like it is here in the States, yet so different. I have yet to be able to visit Canada but N has filled me in thoroughly. One of the differences is a place called "Tim Horton's." I know there are Horton's in the states but they are not the institution they are in Canada. The men visit Horton's at least a few times a day for their coffee needs. (according to a good source the coffee at Horton's is better than anything one can get here in the States) A "double, double" is a National past time, and then in a display that can only be described as Canadian, they tip the drive thru attendant. They take care of their own! The other true Canadian pasttime is getting over on the "Man." I will not divulge any further information than this, "Why pay for it?" Canada does have some of the funniest people just watch "Trailer park Boys." I am not bashing Canada or R I think he is a great guy, I don't know how N stands the constant onslaught of his humor. It truly is never ending and nothing is off limits. Big Momma Gun will calm things down I am sure.

I want to talk about the realignment of powers in the family.
S has always been the head of the family, N and I just kind of go with whatever S wants. Then do what we want when she is not looking. The New addition of R is a breath of fresh air. R doesn't have the respect for S like N and I do. He gives S fits, I love it. For instance, this past Chritmas R and N exchanged all of their gifts before Christmas day. I laughed and thought they were dorks for not waiting. S though said something to R about it in jest. R said "what do you mean, you've had your Christmas gift for over a month."

Canadian's are nothing if they are not quick with a comeback. I am not saying they are smart, I am saying they are quick. If you wish to make fun of a Canadian be prepared for an onslaught of retorts. We are so happy R is family now, but we watch what we say to him. No need to let a Canadian make fun of us, it's bad enough N suffers his Canadian ways.

Just remembered this and wanted to share it. R bought N a beautiful necklace from Tiffany's. It wasn't big enough for N's neck and so they had to have it lengthened. The jewelry shop guy said, "wow your wife must have a big neck?" R retorted "You should see her feet." Gawd I love him. I know he makes fun of me but I don't hear about it and that's Ok with me.

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