December 11, 2007

A fatty fight

I awoke today feeling Blah! You know the feeling where you just don't want to put up with any crap. Mistake number 1, I went back to bed and lingered. I didn't even want to hold my head up. Mistake number 2, I started thinking about "PIZZA." Cheese, cheese, cheese, pizza. I know fatty's worldwide can attest once a food has taken control of your thoughts, you my friend are screwed. I came to the computer looked at the specials at my local pizza haunt. I was getting all jazzed about it. I was to lazy to order and started having an internal conversation. "why do I want pizza?" Why would I want to undermine all the work I put in last week? What the hell is wrong with me? SO I cut a deal with myself, workout and then if I still want pizza I can have it. The workout started by telling myself I am only doing cardio. Then as I got to the end of cardio, I thought I am here let's do this so off to weight training I went. Whew after that I felt alive once again. I came home and grabbed an apple and jumped in the shower. Once I finished sweating which all the other plus size models can attest to, takes a while. I decided hell no I am not eating no pizza. I cannot believe I pulled it out. Usually once a fatty makes a bad choice the day is shot. Not only did I not make the choice but the day was completely saved. I dont even want the pizza anymore. This is a big deal for me, I did it.

Beach time is just a few months away.....(can you believe this is where N and R live)

1 comment:

*bermuda bride* said...

Well played my friend. It's a Christmas Miracle.