December 09, 2007


Consistency. One may think consistency is boring and predictable. I contend Consistency is the glue that holds everyone together. It affects every one of us in all aspects of our daily lives. Consistency is what we crave and it starts when we are children. We need consistency in how our parents treat us and discipline us, it has to be the same consequence every time. As a child I tested this tirelessly and was met with the same beating every time. It hurt but hey it was consistent, I knew it was coming. Now as adults we all crave the same consistency in everyday life. When we have dinner out at a restaurant, we usually go to a place we have been before. We order something we have had before and we expect it to taste the same and be the same portion and hopefully the same price as before. I contend this is how the Golden arches have become so popular. If you order a Big Mac in South Jersey or South Dakota, they are the same, they are consistent. Its what we know we want. We are not looking to gamble, we want what we have had before. If I think about it my favorite restaurants, people, and places are consistent. I bet yours are too. There's bills, kids, medical emergencies, on and on, and this affects how we are on a day to day basis. But we all know a few people who are the same every time we see them. You can know for a fact that their life is in turmoil but they smile and give you the same companionship they always have. While we all get pulled this way and that way with each event in life, these people maintain. Some people say that these people just don't sweat the small stuff. I say these people make a conscious effort everyday to be the same person everyday. Now I am the exact opposite of "consistent". One day I will ask how you are? Where you have been? etc. etc. The next day I won't acknowledge your existence. I will be wrapped up in my own life's drama. I truly dislike this aspect of myself and hope to change it "consistently" one day at a time. If you truly think about it the people you have admired most were the same the day you met them as they are today. Consistency is the key.....

Every year its there...

PS- To be a good husband, father, freind, mentor, companion, I have to be consistently there for those I love. Give them the best "me" I can...

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