December 03, 2007

My first post

What to write about? My thoughts run rampant much like a Seinfeld episode. Not really reaching any conclusions just rambling. Who knows where the next thought will lead. I have many things I wish to talk about but only so many hours in the day. I am treating this like my personal journal about the journey I am on. I will be writing about alot of inane BS that is my life.

Hope-to expect with confidence

Here is a list I am trying to incorporate into my life

1. My happiness is completely up to me
2. Pursue interests and have fun
(I need to find out what I am interested in)
3. Taking care of myself will lead to taking care of my family
4. It's time to either get busy living or get busy dying
5. The people in my life will be more happy if *I* am more happy
6. My loved ones will be OK if I pursue outside interests it is not being selfish
7. Freedom from worry is the result of my pursuing my happiness
8. Feeling good = Looking good
9. I will honor myself and my loved ones by making the most of every moment

My likes and interests to come

the family

1 comment:

Sharon Pickering said...

Finally, You have begun to post! I'm so happy. You and N are by far better writers than I, and yet, I was the only one writing!

The list is a good one. I'm happy that you formulated one.

You will find that posting is very cathartic and helps in ways you never knew possible.
