December 15, 2007

S the comedian

I just wanted a lil kiss

We were settling in to watch "Its a wonderful life" last night. The scene near the start showing the snowy town and how cold it looks. I remarked (fist I hit pause on the DVR) to S I don't remember what it feels like when its that cold, I don't remember what 30 degrees feels like. Without any hesitation whatsoever, S replied, "Why don't you go stick you head in the freezer and while your at it get me some ice cream." This was one of the funniest things S has ever said. S is usually a quiet person and doesn't say much, but here lately she has been full of one liners. It's nice we are able to play together again.
I thought we were out of the woods of this last Thursdays anniversary. Nope I awoke this morning to find S with a migrane on the couch and looking like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. When her nose is red she is not feeling happy. The one thing I am trying to instill is that we celebrate J's life and not mourn his death. He made us all laugh, cry and mostly drove us nuts.
N & R are flying to Canada tomorrow evening and their flight goes through Boston. They are expecting a Nor'Easter (I like that word) tomorrow evening and that is when they are flying through. So I am a little worried about them flying tomorrow, not so much for them getting stuck in Boston, just a mild concern for their safety.
I hope everyone is in the Christmas Spirit. I have yet to hear Adam Sandlers, "Hannukah" song so until then it is not officially the Christmas season. Love each other......

1 comment:

Sharon Pickering said...

That picture made me laugh out loud.

I thought I was always funny. hmmm.