December 10, 2007


It has changed for everyone for sure. When we are children it is magical. We are so excited by the prospects of seeing family members we have not seen for a while. We just want one minute alone with the presents under the Christmas tree. It is magical and how I wished it would last longer for every child. I loved how much my little sister enjoyed it. I never told her anything, I was not going to be the one to ruin it for her. Since I have no "young" children of my own I have asked friends who do have children how their children changed Christmas for them. One of my friends said that his kids have made Christmas magical again and he loves watching their excitement grow. But there are quite a few parents who seem to dread Christmas. They feel they have to get their child everything they want for Christmas. One friend gives his daughters stickers and catalogs and tells them to put stickers on what they want. Then he feels he must buy them what they marked or he has let them down. Having the perspective that I do and not having any young children of my own I have observed. It is easier to give in the form of gifts (money) than it is to give of ones time. I am horribly guilty of this.
We have a grandson and granddaughter now, R's children. Our grandson remarked to N that he doesn't care if we got him anything for Christmas, he just wants to see us. In an instant "Christmas" came into focus again. It is for myself I say, "Love." I really look forward to the next time I see him and believe that the addition of him and his sister will do nothing but bring our family closer together.

Embrace those you love on this Christmas and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ

I still want a few minutes alone with the present under the Christmas tree

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1 comment:

Sharon Pickering said...

For me when the kids grew up, Christmas became more about family. When they were little, it was a wild frenzy of gifts and wrapping and secrets. Not to say it wasn't fun.

That was so sweet of G to say that. Like I is about family.