December 05, 2007

A Healthy me

One of the reasons I started this blog is to record the journey from an overweight out of shape man into a healthy and alive man. Today was the third day of my workouts consisting of lifting weights and doing aerobic exercise. Three days of not putting any garbage in my body. Everything I have ate is thought about beforehand. I still twice now have started to make a 2nd serving but each time so far I have stopped myself. If I am still hungry later I will eat a little meal again. That's my approach frequent small meals. Today as I was lifting I really felt my body and under all of the fat I have a solid body that is trying to get out. I really love my body I am more powerful than I give myself. I stopped taking care of my body awhile ago and now it is time for me to make it up to myself. So far so good. Many would discount 72 hours as not being much but I would say that those who have tried to change their lives "72 hours is a new beginning." I am not waiting until Monday again or until it is more convenient. The next 9 months are completely mine to do with what I want. I want to lose this weight, prepare myself for law school, and rekindle the romance in my relationship. This is the "to do list" for me. Its mine I want it so bad its there for me to take it.

J and Jimmy V

1 comment:

Sharon Pickering said...

You go! This is your time. Glad you have decided to own it!!! I'm so proud of you.
