December 17, 2007

The strange world of the internet

My family has befriended a gentleman from New York State. I have never been to New York. N has been but, only to NYC, not out into the state. I have never met this man but we communicate pretty frequently. He is no relation to myself or anyone in my family but he is a friend nonetheless. Our relationship has progressed along a linear path. In the beginning he conversed mostly with the girls N and S. How they met I have no clue. I was slow to accept most things the Internet brought us. As I was slowly being integrated into the information highway this man, whom I will call Frank, started to email myself. Over the years he has shared with me many great emails and family stories or pictures. He sent me my most prized email of all time. All the Playboy centerfolds for about 40 years. I burned these straight to Disc, I don't want to lose these. S doesn't like the fact I made a backup disc, heeee. Nowadays he sends more self reflecting correspondence, introspective, insightful. I, as I am sure many of you do, waste alot of time on the computer. This information age has allowed my family and myself to come to know someone whom we wouldn't have had a chance to know. The friendships made in cyberspace are friendships nonetheless. The more you know the more you grow. Thanks Frank for your friendship my family has appreciated it. Not all my time is wasted on here.......

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