December 06, 2007

The Future

I have spent the better part of a 1/3 a century waiting for the "future". What happened while I was waiting for the future. I sure in the hell wasn't living. I have always thought that when "this or that happens everything will fall into place" my years have taught me one thing, nothing ever falls into place its just how you deal with it that decides how happy you are during your life. My life up until now has been waiting until I finish Law School. Sadly my wife has bought into this up to a point so now there are two of us not so much living as existing waiting for the future. I fear this has also afflicted N, we are always waiting on something I know this. It's what we do while we are waiting that marks our life. My family wants to live near each other, I want to be healthy, I need to finish law school, N wants her back to feel better. All of this is in some far off place we call the "future". the reality here is the future is decided by our priorities. We are where we are because of choices we have made in the past. The point we all need to realize is this (including me) the "future" is today, today is your life, today is my life. The good Lord never guaranteed tomorrow or that our loved ones will always be there. He provides the opportunity to be "you" and "you" decide your future. I am So glad to be on this journey.

You never know what the future holds, do you?

1 comment:

Sharon Pickering said...

You certainly don't know what the future holds. That is one certain thing in life. Anything can happen...and does.