January 27, 2008

Where do you want to live?

In My family I am the question meister. It always gives me an insight into where their heads are at. There is a litany of questions I ask. The “Bucket List” question, The 5 people dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with question and so forth. Here as of late going home has been at the forefront of our minds and so I thought I would pose the question to my family. Name the top five places that you would want to call home? The only stipulation being that it has to be a place you have visited, therefore you have firsthand knowledge of the place and aren’t just dreaming it would be a place you would want to live. I posed the question first to my darling wife S.

S Name the top five places you want to live? As in call home:
1. Greyton Beach, FloridaWe have all been here except R. I look forward to taking R here.The link will introduce you to this wonderful place.

2. Savannah, Ga. – We just recently visited this Charming Southern town and it would be a wonderful place to call home. The architecture alone is worth a trip.

3. Rapid City SD – S's memories of this place and surrounding areas are almost enough to make me want to brave the winters there. (But not quite enough)

Rapid city- this picture is outdoor D approved

4. Gulf Breeze, FL. – Ah our true first stomping ground on the Gulf of Mexico. This town is home through and through. We know every nook and cranny in this town and love them all. Especially a Greek restaurant called the “Aegean breeze”

5. San Diego, CA- S and N visited this wonderful place a few years ago and both loved it. The ocean, mountains, desert, and Mexico all within a day trip. They didn’t make it to the Zoo. If I ever have the opportunity I would love to see this place. N kissed a Mexican and they ate tacos out of an alley, any wonder N is so weird. The nut doesn't fall to far from the tree. Yes S I am talking about you.

Surprised me- I would have to say it is quite obvious. All of these places have one thing in common, the ocean. Rapid City, South Dakota out in the heart of the country really threw me for a loop. It must be a beautiful place for S to have put it 3rd on her list.

Next I asked N the same question.
1.New York City, NY – Both S and I were blown away. I didn’t see this coming at all. But when N describes how much she loves that city it does sound quite exciting. Plus she’s already one of those weird women who take their small dogs everywhere with them. Freak. She’s going to be one eccentric old woman; you can take that to the bank.

2. Gulf Breeze, FL.- ah the same as S’s number 4 hmm

3. New Orleans, La.- I think my whole family loves this city but the rest of us would be scared to live there but N would be right in there with her little dog, freak. Seriously though what a great town we haven’t been there since Katrina and cannot even imagine the devastation.

4. Saint Augustine, FL.- the historical part of this town is so funky and fun. It is really a unique little town with a thriving historical district. The lighthouse here is magnificent also. The one major flaw is that is is on the Atlantic and everybody knows we are Gulf of Mexico people.
5. Greyton beach/ undecided

Surprised me- NYC I didn’t see that one coming. I have never visited the place but have concerns about the livability of the city. If I could afford a view of something green (central park) then maybe, but otherwise NO. N would be happy looking at a brick wall above a smelly Chinese restaurant with that damn dog.

I then posed the question to R. Well not really, N asked R for me. R and myself do not have the kind of relationship where we talk to one another, we just communicate through N. We try don’t get us wrong but alas no speaky, speaky with R. R is very judicious with his words and his answer was also judicious.

1. Gulf Breeze, FL.- Is that the right answer? Yes R it is, thank you very much for your time

2 – 5 undetermined at the time of this post
Surprises- Yes the omission of Cape Breton, NS, one of the prettiest places on the face of this earth. I really thought this place would have made his list.

Then there was myself. Here are my answers.

1. Greyton Beach, FL.- A slice of heaven that we have fallen in love with along one of the most beautiful stretches of beach you will ever find.

2. Gulf breeze, FL. Made all of the lists hmmm, makes me wonder

3. Nashville, TN- this city is the bomb. I love this town and some of our best friends live there. Where else could you run into Garth Brooks picking up a chain saw and bump into Faith Hill grocery shopping? A town is only as good as its people and this town is the best. If you put the ocean next to this city I would have never left it.

The Ville.

4. Savannah, Ga.- This place is alive with history. The homes seem to be alive, there seems to be more there than meets the eye. The live oaks and Spanish moss are everywhere and it may be one of the most beautiful downtowns in the Southeast. The lifestyle here is definitly genteel.

5. I thought about it and if I am living in the 5th place city then I will be unhappy. To be honest if We don’t live in the top 2 I will continue writing these lists until we do.
Thank you everyone for your insights…

1 comment:

Sharon Pickering said...

Loved it that you put it together for us to study.

I'm surprised that Savannah made your top five. But, OMG, to live by one of those little squares!

Love the pictures. I'm happy you are open to Rapid City, it is a place of rare beauty.