January 22, 2008

Hard reset for self-preservation?

When you hear the term hard reset in our household it is in reference to all of our electronic gadgets. When you do a hard reset the item loses all memory and information that it once held. I contend that when people become parents they go through a hard reset. We have many friends who have children and are completely in the dark about what their children do. One close friend contends that a piece of jewelry they gave their daughter represents the daughters promise to not have sex before marriage. They are a good Christian family. I really like this family but what the heck are they thinking? First things first their daughter has gone away on many trips with her boyfriend. Second the child confided in us she has been having sex for a while. Did our friends forget what its like to be late teens or early twenties. Sex is at the forefront of their thoughts. We have a unique perspective with most of our friend’s children. They tend to confide in us what they are actually doing. Which leaves us to tell or not tell our friends. I will say we pass along the information if one of the kids is in danger but even when we do this the parent is in denial. What they are doing in reality and what their parents think they are doing are at different ends of the spectrum. Not my little Bobby or Betsey they wouldn’t do this. We have had friends actually ask their children in front of us what they were doing just minutes after the kid told us. The child knows to never tell the truth because this idiot in front of them doesn’t want to hear it. Sure enough every time it has happened the parent is happy and relieved that their kid said they are not drinking, having sex, or going to parties with no adult supervision. Has it been so long since they were a teen that they have forgotten what it is like to be a walking hormone or have they decided to choose ignorance? Face it if your child is going out socializing then they are facing all of these situations regularly. Don’t think they are not doing any of them. Do them a favor wake up and remember what is was like when you were their age. Choosing to believe that your child doesn’t face these challenges usually means they are facing them on their own with no input from you. Parents need a big dose of reality. Or my earlier hypothesis holds true that the parents were hard reset.
Be kind and love one another….

1 comment:

Sharon Pickering said...

I've been hard set so many times that I think that button may not function any longer.