February 04, 2008

News, Notes, and Thoughts….

I have a ton of things to do. I decided to do none of them and write this instead.

Well the Super Bowl is over and what a wonderful game it was. When the final seconds ticked off the clock the New York Giants became Super Bowl Champions and the fireworks lit up the sky here in New York South (Jacksonville, Fl.) It was one of the best Super Bowls I have ever witnessed. On this night the New York Giants were the better team. Congratulations to the NY Giants and their fans.

P.S. It was awesome to see Peyton Manning cheering for his brother. The Manning household has to be a great place to be these days. They finally gave their mother the accolades she deserves for raising such good men.

On another note Ryan Seacrest hosted part of the pre-game festivities. I have to say there are not many people I dislike more than Mr. Seacrest. It is amazing how disingenuous he is. Every word and emotion Mr. Seacrest tries to act out falls horribly short of believable. He would really benefit from a good beating.

The commercials during this year’s game were far more subdued and gentle than in years past. The Coke commercial with Stewie, Underdog, and Charlie Brown was a spot on ad for this game, seeing as the underdog won.

In our house the Etrade ads (with the baby) were tops along with the Will Ferrell, Bud Light ad. All of the Budweiser ads struck a warm and fuzzy chord in our house. Is there a prettier animal than a Clydesdale horse? The Justin Timberlake ad drew boos (Sorry Pepsi). The Tom Petty halftime show drew mixed reviews from the crowd. I for one am a Petty fan and thought; “I won’t back down,” was a fitting song. Good job Tom.

Did it strike anyone else as overkill that there was advertising for movies that are due out in June on Feb. 3rd?

For those of us here in NE Florida we are experiencing 80 degree temperatures today. So it seems the Super Bowl marks the end of winter. This coming week marks the beginning of the Daytona 500 festivities. So let’s stay alert on the local interstates these next 2 weeks as racecar fans will be traveling through our area looking to test their skills.

I would love to hear your cheers and boos for the best and worst from the Super bowl and anything else you want to share.


barefootnikki said...

Boooooo for the *classy* commercials. I like the funny ones :)

Sharon Pickering said...

I've thought all week on this one. I'm happy that I was privy to the "Best superbowl ever". Not being a huge fan, I think I watch for all the wrong reasons, I did enjoy this game.

Reasons? I liked it because the underdog won. I'm always for the underdog.

I liked seeing Payton Manning sitting all by himself rooting for his little brother, Eli.

I like Eli.

I think the Patriots ought to be spanked for not taking better care of Tom Brady.

Tom Brady needs spanked just for general attitude. I know it was the superbowl and all, but Tom, your mother was watching.

And the commercials. Of cours. I loved, like you mentioned, the talking baby. That is always a crowd pleaser. Hated the heart one. It grossed me out. Had such a tug at the heart strings over the Budwiser ones.

Loved eating the spicy shrimp on the footstool in the living room.

What made it the best for me? I loved watching it with you.