January 26, 2008

A couple of things I love about the South

In Louisiana you can go through a drive through and pick up mixed drinks (hurricanes being a favorite). Many of them have two for one happy hours. We always wondered how they did this and we figured it was because they gave it to you in a sealed container and it is probably illegal to put the straw in it while driving.

Approximately 600 miles from Dsnylnd (misspelled on purpose) you begin seeing signs along interstates advertising how to get cheaper tickets and even cheaper T-shirts. Come on, how can anyone pass up 5 T-shirts for 10 dollars? So being 600 miles from said destination you have approximately 9 hours to look forward to the cheap T-shirts and mouse.

Nowhere else have I ever been that had more interesting side orders at restaurants. You want a stack of pancakes honey? They come with 2 biscuits and jelly. Well Duh! Everybody knows that after you have pancakes, you want biscuits.

To enjoy a great glass of iced tea in the South is to enjoy sweet tea and here is how you know the person you are dining with is truly Southern. If they can drink this very sweet concoction and eat a piece of pecan pie at the same time without wincing. My friend you are dining with a true Southerner.

My favorite thing about the South is the phone calls from our Northern neighbors. Discussing the weather is always a great time.

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