January 18, 2008

So Fresh and So Clean

This is a Picture of Downtown that S took. Isn't she a photog

It truly is the little things in life that make me happy. I am now in command of our homes daily maintenance. This has been known as “cleaning house” by many but I prefer the term home maintenance. I have had this job for quite awhile even though my wife tries to take credit. If you know our family, then you know better, she is one of the worst spouses when it comes to pitching in around the house. This has taught me an invaluable lesson. I will not let everything fall on her shoulders as I start out in the working world. It is just too much for one person to do. It is one of the most thankless jobs anyone ever does. She did recently thank me for “maintaining the house” and I felt like a kid receiving a gold star. If there were one thing, one task daily I could outsource my friends it would be…drum roll please! Cleaning the kitchen! I have no problem cooking and preparing the meal but afterwards the damn kitchen is a mess. Of all the domestic maintenance I do it’s the dishes I hate the most. Off everyone goes with their bellies full and there I am cleaning their nasty plates. I could strangle all of them. Ok there is just one, her, but I could strangle extras I am that p—ed off. Here lately we have fallen into a wonderful groove. If one of us is in the kitchen prepping or cleaning the other kind of comes and helps out. I find myself not as angry when she is right there with me. It’s a task that has to be done but no one wants to do it. But it is so much easier next to each other than when one of us is off relaxing. We both revealed to one another that when we are left alone in the kitchen cleaning, that at that moment, we hated the other who wasn’t.

Back to my original thought. I changed the sheets yesterday on our beds and there is not much in this world that makes me happier than lying down in clean, great smelling sheets. Sheer Joy, I just lie there and breathe it in. I truly love it and would love to change the sheets daily. But I know slowly it would become like the dishes and fall into an abyss of anger and self-pity. So, for now once a week is ok with me. I always look forward to clean sheets.

1 comment:

barefootnikki said...

I'm thankful that my thoughts can't kill because Robert would have dropped dead long ago while i'm elbow deep in a sink full of luke-warm funky dishwater.
Rot in Hell non-helpers, rot in Hell.