July 05, 2008

Day Ten......

I miss you Mom!
I have some bread out on the counter; I put it there yesterday. It is starting to get moldy so I will eat it here in a little bit. This should help me with how I am feeling I am still achy. Hey, in the long run it will save me some money because I don’t have to buy any penicillin.

Last night was amazing; I have never seen so many fireworks displayed in such a small area. There is no doubt in my mind that the neighbors across the street spent at least a thousand dollars on fireworks. I watched some of them and then I saw them clean up the mess. The garbage from the spent fireworks filled up and rounded the bed of a truck, full sized truck mind you, quite impressive. The thing that tickles me the most is there were police officers at the fireworks store keeping the peace. When patrons entered the establishment they had to sign a waiver stating they were using the fireworks to scare off vermin. How funny is that? Let me tell you there were no vermin in the streets last night because everyone was trying to scare them off.

I wonder if everyone is experiencing the strange feelings I am having today. The last time I felt like this was the last day of summer vacation at my Grandparents before I had to go back home. Kind of the last day of camp, you’re happy to be going home and seeing the people you miss, but you are going to miss your summer fun. That is what I am feeling exactly but I think it is an emotion I am feeling for my wife, daughter, and Dirty Mexican. Let’s call it sympathy pains because that is the only word that comes near what I am feeling. This is like a Ya-Ya Sisterhood of the traveling pants moment.

Today is my wife’s last full day in Bermuda she comes home tomorrow. My daughter and wife love each other so much, I know they will be sad at the thought of parting, they don’t get to spend much time together. I am sad for my wife because I know how much she has enjoyed being there and wished she could stay longer. But like they say one mans’ trash is another mans’ treasure. I look forward to seeing her in my own small way. I missed her just a tiny bit, not much, just a little. To be honest I don’t need her as much as Petey I just want her back for Peter’s sake. Yeah, that’s it, Sweety you need to come home for Petey he needs you.

I am so prooud of my family. I don't know many families that could be together on vacation as long as mine has been without killing each other. I Thank the Lord every night for them.

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