July 01, 2008

Day 6 with No one....

I really don't care my daughter has chosen to be with this dirty Man. What really gets me is the subliminal message she is sending me. Do you see it? Look at the computer, notice it now? Jesus may love you, but I think you are an A$$hole. There is no question in my mind who this is aimed at. I just wish she would leave Mexico and come home. He is so greasy! If you look real close you can see a dirty mexican dog.

I walked out into the front yard this morning to retrieve the garbage can. Petey came out with me and just started walking down the road. I watched in silence for a while as he continued down the road. I thought at first he was running away but he looked back at me as to say “goodbye.” At that moment I realized he was moving out and I don’t blame him. He needs to go out, and follow his dreams, I am just holding him back. I watched until he was almost out of sight then started to take the trash can back in. He came running into the garage behind me, like he was happy to see me, like it had been years since we had been together. We grunted and ran around the house so happy to be back together. In his own way I could tell he was concerned that I didn’t come get him when he left. So I told him through a form of charade type acting, that I do not know what the future holds, so save yourself. It was hard to act it out, but he understood and I rubbed his belly.

I received a phone call this morning from a lady asking me how I was doing? As I have stated before my communication skills and auditory functions make it hard for me to reply, “fine.” I was brought to tears that this stranger thought enough to call me and ask me about my life. We had a long talk about what has been happening in the world. What we think is going to happen in the future. She said she is sending over some witnesses, of some sort, to visit with me. I am just so happy I will have company soon. I have to go get some chips and dip. I couldn’t be more excited to have guests.

My age has crept up on me and I just recently realized that I really don’t have an opinion on many things. I remember one time in a class the instructor told us she and her husband could not agree on how toilet paper should be put on its holder. The paper coming over the top, or coming from the bottom, each thought that their way was right. It never occurred to me that I should have an opinion on such matters. I am just happy when there is paper there when I need it. Today I had a breakthrough, I definitively like the toilet paper coming over the top. Now my next question is, “What am I going to do with the rest of my life?”


barefootnikki said...

I <3 Mexico.
Cheese and crackers!!!
I'm so glad Peter came home to you.
Damn, this is good reading.

Anonymous said...

You need to be published. We need to get this out to the world! You are incredible. Truly incredible.

I agree with you. I don't believe our daughter is in Bermuda. Who ever is here masquerading is not a vegetarian. I have seen meat products being consumed by this person. Did you see her in Mexico? Was she kidnapped by a band of wild Mexicans? I miss her.

And I miss you. Grunt at Petey and tell him that I miss him too.