July 04, 2008

Fourth of July.....

4th of July Jacksonville

Fourth of July, St. Louis

I woke up feeling giddy, like a child, like I had fireworks I was going to set off. Like I was going to see fireworks. I am some kind of special and I am sick. I received a few phone calls in the middle of the night from a few different countries. It is amazing what your friends decide is ok just because you are home alone. I think it is a guy thing, if any of them thought that my wife was here they would have never called. But they know she isn't, so call away they did.

The Fourth of July we are supposed to be at our lake house or beach house today and BBQ the day away. The children are supposed to get sunburnt, while the men drink to much, and the women are so happy to have their families around.

As I said I am a bit under the weather. I think maybe I have a stomach virus or something. I ache all over that is for sure.

I wanted to share something though. In these pictures that my wife took last night I can see such good people. She captured a side of the dirty Mexican I have never seen before. He looked so happy and carefree. I have never seen this side of him and it warms my heart. I am going to show you a picture of the R I know and them the R that was there last night.

He seems to always be thinking. About what, who knows?

How happy does he look? he looks at ease and that is awesome.

Speaking of "at ease." One of the phone calls I received last night was a discussion on how good my daughter looked. The caller believed that my daughter has turned a corner. The caller said that my daughter had looked sad to him for a long time and that she looked totally different last night. How refreshing to hear my daughter is so happy. I was also told that the caller was so happy to see my wife and so sad to see her go he teared up a little. Oh late night calls, why do you vex me so?

Here are some other folks from last night

This guy looks like my Uncle Mike. When I was a kid he would let us see his playboys and wouldnt get upset when we did stupid kid stuff. The ladies really liked him and I think they like this one too.

This is my daughters good friend, how pretty is she? If you remember from an earlier post she is the one who gets her victims drunk then, well you know.

This Dirty Mexican drank too much and ate everyones' leftovers.

I may be going to Mexic....Bermuda in a few weeks, maybe.

1 comment:

barefootnikki said...

That *IS* a good pic of Bobert. And that's one of my all-time fave pics of someone special.
Your late night called kept telling me how happy i looked. I told him it's because i AM happy and trying to share that with others. He looked sad. Sigh.
I hope your tummy settles down soon booboo.. love you.