July 03, 2008

Day Seven in my own World….

I received this photo from my amigo D. Sanchez. He was passing through Guadalajara on his way to the States and he saw this woman and thought it may be my daughter. Guess what? It is my daughter I don’t think I will be seeing her again you can see she has been consumed by the ways of the Mexicans. You can see the heat that envelops her; I wouldn’t doubt her dirty Mexican boyfriend is using her as a mule.

Petey follows my every move it is so sad. I think he is scared I will leave him and then he will be all alone. The number seven is an important number for me as it is my favorite number and my lucky number. Today though the number seven represents a calendar week that I have been alone. I find that if I don’t leave the house that I become very distraught and depressed. So today I left the house to get us lunch from a fast food hole.

The neighborhood children are outside setting off fireworks, I hope that they start shooting at each other soon. I know some of them will end up severely hurt and I am ok with that. One of the children’s’ Nerf balls has been in the backyard for a while. I brought it in and soaked it in antifreeze hoping they will eat it. I have heard this works in getting rid of pests. I threw it back into their yard and hopefully things will get real quiet over there soon. Their Monkey of a mother may end up eating it making me very happy. No, No, I kid, I kid, ……maybe.

Earlier I had the inclination to give myself a little treat. I have done nothing special this whole time. I definitely have not had a decent meal these past seven days that is for sure. So I started thinking about maybe going to a decent place for a meal but I forgot I haven’t had my neck shaved in awhile, so that is out. So I had some cereal, honey nut cheerios are not that bad. Petey is looking very unruly, I am waiting until the morning of the 4th to give him a bath because I know he will be absolutely miserable that night.

I am out of frozen meals and I have no idea what we are going to do for sustenance. Life as Peter and I have known it is going to change terribly today. Its as if a third world country has taken over our Rental house. My stomach is distended and I have chronic fat ass. Save yourselves.

What I would give to have my family back!


barefootnikki said...

I don't even know where to begin. I wish i was near, i would shave your neck and set you free.
Good luck with the nerf ball.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the fourth. Hope the bath doesn't throw your little world into too much of a turmoil.

Shaving the neck may not be such a bad idea...think about it.