October 02, 2008

Heads or Tails you call it!

Whew it has been a while since I last posted. Sorry about that ya’ll. My life has taken a crazy path lately. I decided against joining the corporate masses in the trenches toiling away at their careers while missing out on life. I haven’t arrived at any decision as what I will be now that I crossed Tycoon Corporate Attorney off my list (what makes it easy to cross off my list is I could have done it easily because it is built on my worst traits) . There has been rumblings of teaching, nursing, and financial advisor but nothing has been decided as of yet. I am surprisingly unworried about this and I will share with you why.

Throughout my life I have always walked backwards into great situations with people who look out for me. I of all people worked at one of the most intellectually dynamic research facilities in the country, quite possibly the world. Did I plan that? Did I know that was going to happen? The answer is both yes and no. I knew that where I went and what I did would put me in contact with people who could mentor me and maybe open doors I couldn’t open myself. So I knew something would happen but I had no idea what was going to happen or when. My sin in all of this is I have never been open to the possibility that I was not going to be an attorney. I walked away from situations that I could have turned into brilliant careers. All because in my mind all I could see myself being was an attorney. I guess you could call that narrow minded. That’s what we will call it for now because I cannot think of anything better to call it.

So now that Attorney is off my list of great things to do with my life everyone is worried about what will replace it. I was sick with worry over this for a long time and that did nothing but make me miserable. I have never been one to worry about such things. I always knew that what was meant to be for me would reveal itself when it is time. So instead of being worried about what, who, or where I am going to be, I am excited at all the possibilities I have. I had become so focused on being an attorney I missed out on many opportunities. I am open now to what the world reveals to me. My health is my number one concern right now because if I don’t take care of myself I will not be around to experience the next great thing that happens in my life, even if it is just a relaxing night at home with my wife.

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