October 04, 2008

Fall is upon us

Central Park

Photo by : Roopeshkk's

This is the best time of year for just about everything. Camping is great; it’s cool enough to sleep at night and the bugs are not as irritating. Any activity that one can do outdoors is better when the weather gets cooler. We are at the end of our hot humid summer and we have all of this energy to expend before the winter sets in and we become more sedentary (I personally hibernate, seriously). Of course here in NEFL we still have our A/C on but the temperatures are in the low 80’s and much lower humidity than normal.
With this change in temperatures, people have crept out of their homes en mass. Everywhere we went today people were out walking, biking, running, yard saleing (Not sure that is a word), and all in all just enjoying the beautiful weather. I observed all of the people who were out enjoying the day today and noticed each of their prospective appearances. Some of the bicyclist had children in tow or their significant other with them. They biked along at a leisurely pace enjoying the sunshine and cool air. While others had on as little spandex as possible and rode their bikes with purpose. These people were out for exercise; they were not interested in the trees, animals or nature that they were flying by. I couldn't’t tell if they were trying to get away from something or trying to get to something, but they were in a hurry. While I greatly respect these people I would say I identify more with the former group rather than the latter group.
I watched all of the people out walking today, easily a hundred people. They exuded the same kind of characteristics as the bicyclists. Many were out with their children in strollers walking at a snails pace, looking at all the flowers in bloom and smelling the honeysuckle. Some were walking hand in hand with loved ones, while others had to keep an eye on the family pet. Then there were those who had the bare minimum clothing on and were running or jogging with all they had. I admire these people, I really do they have the panache to give it all they have. These are the people who get things done.
My favorite people were those of mixed relationships. Where one of the family members was on a bicycle and one was jogging alongside. They kept pace with one another and the one riding was not sweating nearly as much as the one running. It seemed the one riding the bicycle was kind of drinking in the sights while the one running had a different motivation for this experience.
What was most interesting is all I had to do was look at one of these people for one split second and I knew if they were exercising or just enjoying being outdoors. I thought about how I appear to others when I am out walking or bicycling. I am pretty certain I look the same if I am exercising or if I am just out for a leisurely stroll. I sweat, move slowly, and always look tired. If you ever see me out walking even if you think I am exercising do me a favor and offer me a ride home. Thanks

Fall Colours @ our Family beach
Photo by: Austin

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