October 10, 2008

First Christmas Tree sighting 2008

Photo by laffy4k

Yesterday, October 9th, 2008 I was sent out to retrieve dinner for my beloved. As I was driving to pick up said dinner I looked over at the local Walgreens. I say local because I believe that currently everyone has a local Walgreens. I do believe they will soon start building one Walgreens per subdivision. I don't know who the hell shops there, it certainly is not my family. But back to the story as I was driving to pick up dinner I looked over at the Walgreens and noticed Christmas trees in the windows.
Year after year I mention to my family when holiday decorations first appear. It is a sickness of mine that I am compelled to share these things when I notice them. I am always on the lookout for the first Valentine's day, Halloween, Thanksgiving decorations that are available and report it back to my family. As a side note none of them give a damn when these things appear they have what some people call, "lives." I on the other hand must stay vigilant about these minute details. So I decided to write this entry to allow me to create a timeline to use as a reference next year to see if the stores are truly starting the holiday season earlier and earlier each year. As I suspect they are.
One sad note about all of this is the demise of Thanksgiving decorating. It seems that the stores have decided Thanksgiving is not a very marketable holiday and they seem to jump from Halloween straight to Christmas. I love Christmas just as much as the next person but Thanksgiving may be my favorite holiday. We seem to get custody of our daughter on Thanksgiving because our SIL and the communist Canadians do not celebrate our Thanksgiving they have one of their own. By the way I have no idea what Canadians would be thankful for, bunch of drunks.

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