June 30, 2008

Day 5

What? What? WHAT?

There is very little noise in the house these days but in the evenings the locals enjoy setting off fireworks, which upsets Pete. This morning the celebration continued with the fireworks but I am having a hard time hearing them. Pete jumps but I guess he has better hearing than I. I am noticing my hearing is getting worse by the day; I have the television blaring and have missed phone calls. I guess with little or no communication my need for auditory functions are shutting down.
I am determined to give my body the nourishment it needs today. I started off with a mixture of oatmeal and sugar, I am physically ill now. My body is not reacting how I hoped it would. I bathed last night and now Petey will not come near me except when he hears fireworks. I plan on making Salisbury steak this evening and rubbing some of the gravy on myself, this should make he and I friends again.
My daughter contacted me yesterday to try to cover up her lies. I could hear people speaking Spanish in the background. It is a well-known fact she likes kissing greasy Mexicans and eating tacos from street vendors. I almost didn’t hear the phone except Petey howled so I knew something was happening. She is very deceitful but I guess I have no one to blame but myself. I found a picture of a woman, whom I believe to be my wife. Even in my stupor I know I like “pretty” women. I am including a picture here to remind myself that I was married.

Isn't she beautiful?

I need to mop today, I have put it off for too long. It is essential that I start doing activities that civilized people do.

I have chemified Petey leaving myself with no one to have physical contact with. I throw stuff at the neighbors children when I see them but it’s not the same as petting them. I may go to a pet store later so I could be near a living creature. I went to the bookstore earlier today and sat as close as I could to a lady but she was repulsed by my Roast beefiness. I tried to explain to her I was alone and just wanted to be near someone but she just yelled at me and left. I don’t know why she was so upset she was really ugly I figured she would be lonely too. (This is a joke I didn't really leave the house today this is just for fun and that lady cant prove anything)

I synchronized my computer with a NASA satelite to find the exact locations of my family members. You can plainly see where my daughter is. She is breaking my heart.

The St. Louis Cardinals are on TV tonight. Thank Lord I needed something to give me hope. I always watch hoping to catch a glimpse of my cousin or maybe some friends.

1 comment:

barefootnikki said...

Wait a minute... i just realized that little wheelchair in Mexico is ME!
I'm glad you got out a bit. Good luck with the salisbury bath.