June 29, 2008

My Daughter, "the LIAR!"

This is a picture I found of my daughter who is "supposedly" in Bermuda. Read the sign you be the judge. If you see her tell her, "por favor viene a casa le amo." She claims to have just had back surgery and unable to call me or speak with me but from the looks of this picture she is fine and in Mexico. Why does she lie to me?

Four days with no human contact has changed both Petey and myself. Language is no longer needed we use gestures and odd guttural noises to communicate with one another. I am not sure how long we can continue like this. I have an odd compulsion to paint scenes depicting our lives on the walls so that when we are discovered those who find us can figure out how we lived. My underwear is holding up very well. I think they will be good until winter. I have been meaning to bath Petey but our scents have become one and I know by bathing him it will make my scent repulse him, and right now he is all I have. I have to get out of this cave and seek companionship.

My daughter has disowned me as her father and I don’t blame her I have become a shell of a man. I wonder the house with no destination in mind with Petey following closely behind. I wonder often whether he wants to just be near me or is he waiting for me to die so he can eat me. I don’t blame him either way, I smell like roast beef. I have cut open his dog food so that if I pass in the night he will be able to survive until someone discovers my body. It is Sunday the 29th of June, and I have no idea where I am right now. The only people I know sleep on Sundays and they wouldn’t hear their phone when they are awake, they blare their MTV. I have made the unilateral decision to bath myself later today so I can go out tomorrow and forage for food that doesn’t suck.

Plans for this week:
1. Get to the gym
2. See the sunrise maybe even take Petey to see it.
3. Chemify Petey and bath him- need to do this before the 4th of July
4. Ben and Jerry’s is on big sale so I will eat some of that
5. I need to read some more of the “Secret” I get off track very easily but when I read it I feel better
6. Drink the rest of my beer
7. Donuts – I want ‘em (I will put this together with seeing the sunrise so I get a twofer)
8. Start eating healthier- I haven’t seen a vegetable in a long time

I believe it is this woman who has kidnapped my family. Sure she looks cute and harmless but she is the "One." If you see these people they are Canadian and dangerous.It is apparent she uses alcohol to subdue her victims, this man doesn't even know he is done for.


barefootnikki said...

Holy hell... lol.. whew. I am NOT in little Mexico, i swear.
That was kind of you to cut open the dog food for Pete.
And maybe you might smell like some gravy soon to go with that roast beef.
Whew... thanks for this. I have NOT disowned you... i love you just as much as ever and miss you even more.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord, you are a witty one! We are rolling on the floor over your posts. We eagerly await your next post.