June 27, 2008

Day 2 Without Wifey

Let me start with confession. I was brought out of a deep sleep by a phone call from my missing wife. She is having a blast and is in awe of the beauty of Bermuda. I am sure there are pictures forthcoming that will stun us all because I do remember Bermuda being very picturesque. I of course acted like I had been awake when she called but I don’t think I convinced her. I might as well have been drunk. So on to my confession/ embarrassment of the day. I stumbled out into the living room after the phone call and sat down to visit with Pete and turned on the TV. It was the start of a movie, hmmm, I wondered what it could be. It was a Tom Cruise movie, but not one I had ever seen. So I let it go for a few minutes and found out the movie was “Cocktail.” The movie where he is a bartender that puts on a show as he makes drinks. I watched 20 minutes of this monstrosity and when the first commercial came on I asked myself. “What the hell are you doing?” I had no answer so I turned the TV off.

The day has been going nicely I did some more cleaning. There was a small immigrant family living under our coffee table. I let them stay, who am I to deny them the pleasure of my company. I finally got out and decided that Wal-Mart is to far away for the few things I needed so I went to Publix. Time to get all of the foods my beloved doesn't care for. This includes anything that has "helper" in the name.

What a Picture huh? All of the food groups represented meat, frozen foods, beer and snacks. It was so apparent that I was living alone the guy who bagged my groceries said, Enjoying being a bachelor? I walked out with my chest puffed out, I still have it baby, yeahhhh.

The day is half over I may have more to share later.


Anonymous said...

I KNEW I woke you up when I called. You slacker! I thought I waited until a good decent hour. The butt-crack of 10:30.

Your food supply is impressive. Hope you got an extra Pepto at Wally. GACK...all that 'Helper' stuff. YUCK.

Good call on turning off the TV. That was a girly flick anyway.

barefootnikki said...

Is that the deluxe shells & cheese i spy??