February 29, 2008

Is it just me? #1

As far back as I can remember I can’t ever recall being comfortable with using public restrooms. Sure “uno” is fine but “dos” is out of the question no way, can’t do it. I have no idea where this habit formed. I can remember making sure I took care of things before going to school (my friends did to we talked about those kind of things we were disgusting belching etc but there was no way we were going #dos at school) because there was no way I was using the facilities there. Not even after practice in the evening, nope had to wait until I got home.

I doesn’t help that most men’s lavatories are some of the nastiest places on earth. One time while driving on a long trip with the Misses we stopped to gas up and use the facilities. We both walked back to the restrooms together and the ladies room was “out of order.” I went to the RR and came back out to see her discomfort. I said “there is no one in the Men’s room and it is clean.” She opened the door and her mouth dropped. She was disgusted and asked me “that’s a clean restroom?” I said it is one of the cleanest I have ever encountered. At that moment I could see the pity in her eyes she felt sorry for my gender and me.

The funny thing is I have never ventured out with a female who didn’t use the RR multiple times. I always thought how nasty for you all because you girls have to get up close and personal. Now informed that your RR world and ours is completely different I don’t worry so much about you girls.

As for me there is no number higher than one when I am not home

Port a potty is latin for suicide

1 comment:

barefootnikki said...

I *knew* port-a-potty had another meaning. Those are yick.
I've taken to poo'ing anywhere, shamelessly. Well, not if i'm a guest but any store or diner is fair game.