March 07, 2008

The Blues miss the Playoffs?

I want to talk about the blues. No not the Navy Blue Angels, though they come from our hometown… Go Pensacola Florida! No not the smoky music you hear coming from a bar in New Orleans, though that is a favorite hang out of ours. No not the melancholy feeling we have when we are sad. I am talking about the NHL Saint Louis Blues. The baddest MF’in team in the NHL. This team has hypnotized its fans into bleeding blue. They have the most rabid fans in all of hockey. This is the only team whose fans feel have a shot at winning the game down 3 goals with 2 minutes left. Don’t try to talk global warming with these people; there is not a doomsayer among them. These people are born positivist, their glasses are always half full and their hockey team is always going to make the playoffs. The NHL playoffs you see are enough for any blues fan. No fan expects anything more than the team making the playoffs even if they lose in the first round, this is enough for the fans to yell from the rooftops that the “Blues are number One” even though they just lost in the first round of the playoffs. Remember you have to think positive to be a Blues fan.
The Saint Louis Blues were added to the NHL in 1967 and have never, I repeat never, won a Stanley Cup. Yet if you talk to their fans they swear that the blues did one time, they think, win the cup. This is pure snake oil to help them mask the hurt from their team always making the playoffs but never winning the big games. Now the team’s claim to fame as I stated is to make the playoffs. If you meet any Blues fan they will tell you that the Blues have made the playoffs 35 times in 39 tries. The law of averages should have been in their favor at some point but as a good friend stated, “Once you cite the law of averages things have gotten to bad to save.”

I used to love to say the Blues made the playoffs until I looked at the math. There are 30 thirty teams in the NHL and 16 sixteen make the playoffs. This means you just have to beat the teams that suck to get in the playoffs. What the hell? This is too much for me. So I will leave you with this parting thought…

Chris Pronger Rules and the Blues Rock. See you at Hooters Chris for wings…Go Blues….


1 comment:

barefootnikki said...

In my head i said "The Blues did to win the Cup once... didn't they?"
Oh we are a delusional bunch..