April 29, 2008


1: painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage

I am very envious of many people and places. I do not dislike those whom I envy; as a matter of fact I am happy for them that they have attained something I desire. Envy does not have to be a negative emotion it can be something used as motivation to attain what is desired. I am going to share with you a few people and places I envy.

Yes, I envy a whole continent. Seeing as I have never been to Europe the only exposure I have had is from movies. The movies depict Europe as a place formed by culture and traditions that dates back to time immemorial. It seems full of wonder and I don’t believe there is anyplace that is more romantic than Europe. “Under the Tuscan Sun,” “A Good Year,” and here recently, “The Holiday” have all formed images in my mind about Europe. Europe seems full of whimsy, fun, history, and carefree lifestyles. The homes, cars, weather and people are all so different and wonderful. To see an English hillside home that is hundreds of years old with its weathered walls and roof that has a plasma television on the wall confounds me. The women are all beautiful, the settings all-perfect, and I don’t believe there has been a more romantic place depicted in the movies than Italy. The history and cultures that Europeans share is what I envy the most. Thus far, in my countries young life, we have done some amazing things. We have been a pretty positive force in the world until recently and we are still very young. As far as history is concerned we are youngsters and the European nations are far more experienced. Europeans seem to have a sense of where they stand in history and who they are in every sense of the word. Traditions, cultures, religions, scars of wars, generations of the same family in one place, all make up the Europe I envy.
PS- don’t forget about the food either.


Sharon Pickering said...

I had no idea that you envied Europe. I actually had no idea it was possible to envy Europe. But, your reasoning is solid, so I'm buying it. I, too, am am now envious of Europe.

barefootnikki said...

Envying a continent is cool. I dig it.