April 04, 2008

Decisions, Blessings or Curses?

When we are faced with decisions most everyone will choose what is the “perceived” best decision at that moment in time. This brings with it the old adage of “be careful what you wish for.” But what happens when many years pass between the initial decision and the actual execution of that decision. Many people choose to marry someone they think is the perfect mate only to realize later that they made the wrong decision and end up divorced. That may be to generic of an example but it rings true for all decisions. I chose a long time ago to be an attorney, the beginning of college to be exact. All of my grades had to be perfect so I could go to Law School. Everything I achieved while in college was with the sole intent of becoming an attorney. Since graduating many things have changed in my life and my relationships. People who I thought would still be here are gone, best friends are no longer a part of my everyday life, my family is completely different than the day I made the decision to be an attorney. So it goes without saying that my motivations then and now have changed. Those who have careers already would probably switch places with me in a heartbeat to have the decisions that I do. I actually have quite a few friends and family who could face this same decision at a moments notice. But having these options are as much a burden, as it is something to be envied.
If decisions are made based on the information available at the time and the desired outcome of that decision. Then that decision is only right at a certain point in time in ones life. The information and desired outcome can change at a moments notice. This has led to paralysis in my ability to make a decision.
My information was this. I really didn’t care whether I had much time for my family when I decided to be an attorney. The money was at the forefront of my decision followed closely by the prestige and importance of being an attorney. At the time I had dreams of flying all over the world settling multi-million dollar cases while living the high life. My personality at the time of the decision was perfectly tuned to be an attorney. I wasn’t interested in making the world a better place, I was interested in making money and if that meant someone lost their life savings because of it, so be it. Living close to family was very low on my list of importance. I could easily revert to this person without losing sleep and I know money can do that to a person.
Today is a much different scenario. I am not a better person than I was, just in a different situation. My family has become very important to me (sad that it took so long but true) I want to have as much time as possible with my wife and kids doing the things we love. I want to spend as much of my life as possible in, on and near the ocean. I want to set us up for a low stress lifestyle. My focus is on simplifying our lives and enjoying our time together. I want to choose a career that will allow me the flexibility to live anywhere. Having a lot of money would be nice but it is not the most important thing. As long as we have the basics covered with enough to travel a bit then things will be good, actually they will be great. So it is with these new parameters that I enter the decision making process once again. It is this decision I am faced with and have to make within the next few weeks. I haven’t been praying about it enough but just realized that and will start tonight.
What I want, my wife, and children all near the beach doesn’t seem like much. But I imagine that this is close to being everyone’s dream and only a few ever attain it. I know if I can pull this off that the joy my family and myself will experience will be greater than anything we could ever imagine.


Sharon Pickering said...

Looks like the decision is an easy one after reading this.

Just know...no matter what, I love you.

barefootnikki said...

I never gave much thought to where you were when you made your initial decision. Wow, soooo much has changed since then.
It sounds like you know in your heart that a new road needs to be taken.
If so, or if not, i'm with you 100% and i love you.
Actually i <3 u.