March 24, 2008


Click to enlarge and see Saint Louis Easter 2008

I used to get a little sad around the holidays because my family is so small. I grew up with multitudes of aunts and uncles but they along with most of that generation are long gone. By the way that is a sad statement in itself because they were an awesome generation. I held them in high regard. Today my family consists of many fewer members. As most of you know we lost J 1 ½ years ago and 1 year ago we gained R. So our numbers have been whittled away to four. This bothered me for a long time and I worried about not having the social net that we all need. This Easter for the first time the numbers didn’t matter to me, for the first time I am happy because the quality of the people in my family. I would rather have 3 outstanding family members with me than have a 100 that I don’t like. I have come to realize it is rare indeed to like your family. I can’t tell you how many family functions I have been to where you can just see that the people don’t want to be together. If it weren’t for the holidays then these people would only see each other at funerals. I haven’t been thankful in the past for my family but that is because I never realized how great they are. I know in a pinch we are all there for each other in good times and bad. I didn’t have to search for Easter eggs this year to find my surprise it has been here all along, my family. Love you all…


barefootnikki said...

This is so true, and also so heartfelt and true.
I *really* know how awesome our little bunch is the more i see "normal, big families" in action.
Love you and miss you like crazy. My family, my people :)

Sharon Pickering said...

Like I was saying, before I was so RUDELY uninterrupted, I love our family too. And I've noticed that we are not boastful. Oh. no. We know we are great, and we are not afraid to let others know. *that's not boasting, is it?*

We are the most awesome family ever.