May 13, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmm

Here is a picture of our house. Mrs. Bumble claims to be very picky about how clean we keep our house. We work diligently to keep our house nice and neat.

I made a pact with myself about two weeks ago. I decided I was tired of doing dishes and making dinner. So I pretty much stopped making dinner. I thought that this may upset the balance in the house but it really went unnoticed. Not only did no one in the house get upset that there was no “hot meal” every night, no one took it upon their selves to make dinner. So in my house we sit until everyone is so hungry that they can’t stand it and then we argue over what food to go pick up, Chinese food, McDonashits, etc. This is not the reason for this post though. This post is to discuss a phenomenon in my house. I like the word “phenomenon.”

Since I have stopped making dinner I thought that my time spent doing dishes would decrease dramatically. Oh how wrong I was, I still do dishes every freaking night and most times twice a day. Mrs. Bumble has to have a special cup for her meds in the morning then she has a coffee mug she immediately dirties afterwards. Then miraculously with no food in the house to take for lunch she produces multiple pieces of Tupperware that have been used. This last tidbit is being investigated by multiple government agencies. It is believed to be connected with the disappearance of greasy food in “area 51.” It is my belief she takes the Tupperware to work and lets other people heat their food in the Tupperware so she can bring it home for me to wash. Beyond Mrs. Bumbles Tupperware exploits I have no idea who dirties all the freaking dishes. There are many days that I walk into the kitchen and freak out wondering who has been in our kitchen. I know this isn’t confined to my house so let me ask you all. Do you still have a mess of dishes everyday even though you don’t make a mess? Well………

By the way these are very much like the lights I want to hang in our backyard. We will drink wine under them on cool evenings and warm ourselves by a fire. This is Outdoor D approved.

Disclaimer: the picture of the living room is not exactly our house we rearranged a few things so that those who know us will not be embarrassed.